Rocky Hill Parks & Recreation / Senior Services
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ART-Ventures for Kids Register View Cart

ART-ventures for Kids: Just for Fun ART-ventures
Sail the high seas on a fantastical art adventure through a world of pirates and fairies, princesses, sea monsters and talking parrots! Children will really get into character, donning handcrafted pirate hats and swords or fairy tiaras and wings. Create wooden rowboats and set out on a search for buried treasure, then create gem-studded treasure chests to hide the riches! Paint ceramic castle banks and sculpt clay dragons to guard them. Design pirate flags or princess hats. Paint froggy note holders—perhaps they'll turn into prince! Draw silly sea monsters and design enchanting stenciled t-shirts! Pirates and Fairies explore painting, beading, fabric, clay art and more. Humorous stories are included each week, as well as surprises and laughter. Don't miss these fun and fantasy-filled workshops! 

ART-ventures for Kids: Artist's Passport Travel the World Through Art
Kids take an around-the-world culturl adventure. They explore far-off places and learn about the people who lvie there, from the Americas to Polynesia, from the city to the countryside. They experiment with Crayola products, while trying art techniques developed by local artists and artisans. They make different masterpieces each week such as drums, masks, canvases, prints, buses, and more!

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ART-ventures for Kids: Artist's Passport Travel the World Through Art - ART-ventures 
N/A K - 5 04/23/2025 - 05/28/2025
05:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Rocky Hill Community/Senior Center - Arts & Crafts Studio
$149.00 Res, $149.00 Non-Res
13 seat(s) available
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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