Rocky Hill Parks & Recreation / Senior Services
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Summerscape (April Vacation Camp 2025) Register View Cart

Vacation Camp

Experience the fun of Summerscape, even when school's in session! Our Summerscape Vacation Camps offer exciting spirit and engaging activities similar to our beloved Summerscape Day Camp.

April & August Offerings: Join us for thrilling weeks of fun during these off-season camps.

Grades 1-5 Welcome: Designed for young campers with a thirst for learning and play.

Summerscape Fun: Expect exciting games, creative arts & crafts, outdoor play, and maybe even some special guests during your time with us.

(Note:  Campers must provide their own food and beverage each day!)

Current Planned Vacation Camps

April Vacation Camp

August 2025 (Details Coming Late Spring)
(Online Registration Only- See Below)

Step 1: Complete ONLINE Camper Forms (Found Below): The following forms will be required at the time of registration and can be found on our website. These forms are to be completed by the immediate Parent/ Guardian of the camper being enrolled. For families with multiple children these form are required for EACH child:
-Camper Health Assessment Questionnaire (Required)
-Camper Pick-Up Authorization Form (Required)
-Parent/ Guardian Acknowledgment Form (Required)

Step 2: Online Registration: You will be able to enroll your child(ren) based on availability. Full payment is due at the time of registration along with the completed camper forms.
-Note: If you did not complete the forms ahead of time, you will be asked to complete them prior to being authorized to register online. It is HIGHLY advised these forms be completed ahead of time.

Step 3: Additional Medical Documentation: Should your child(ren) require any medical accommodations such as having to carry/ utilize any medication(s) such as but not limited to; Diabetes Management, Epi-Pens, Inhalers, etc… you are asked to reach out to our front office (860-258-2772) after you have registered online for additional paperwork that will need to be completed by your child(ren)’s physician PRIOR to their arrival and to arrange a time to speak with our staff for any other accommodations. Campers who fail to provide the appropriate documents PRIOR to their arrival will be turned away. There will be no Nurse on-site for this camp.

IMPORTANT POLICY: Campers who are enrolled in camp, but fail to provide ALL APPLICABLE documents as outlined (Camper Health Assessment Questionnaire, Camper Pick-Up Authorization/ Emergency Contact Form, Parent/ Guardian Acknowledgement Form, and/or any other medically related documentation...) by 12:30pm the Friday before the week of enrollment will be turned away from camp until all documents have been completed to the satisfaction of the Parks & Recreation Department.

A physical photo ID is required on a DAILY basis to release your child from camp. The Photo ID must be used to verify names of authorized pick-ups for your child(ren) that is provided to our staff. This is required on a daily basis as pick-ups may encounter different staff member per pick-up occurrence. Those who fail to present an ID will be asked to retrieve and present a valid ID prior to an authorized release of a camper. This is required for the safety of our campers and staff.

Other Camp Details
  • Camper Drop- Off: Campers are encouraged to arrive between 8:30am - 9:00am each day. Campers will not be checked-in prior to 8:30am.
  • Camper Pick- Up: Campers are encouraged to be picked-up between 3:30pm - 4:00pm each day. Any camper picked-up after the 4:00pm deadline, will be issued a $50 late pick-up fee (PER CHILD) that must be paid prior to returning to camp the next day. Any additional occurrence will result in removal from camp without refund eligibility.
  • Campers MUST Bring Own Food Each Day: Campers are responsible for providing their own food each day. It's encouraged each camper packs at minimum; 1- snack, 1-lunch (preferably peanut free), and 1- refillable water bottle.
  • Camper Attire: Campers should arrive wearing attire conducive to being able to participate in a wide range of activities (indoors and outdoors). Closed toe sneakers are required.
  • Communications During Day: In the event you need to communicate with camp during camp's operational hours, please contact the front office at: 860-258-2772 and reference camp. Your message will be relayed accordingly.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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April Vacation Camp 2025 (4/14 - 4/17) 
N/A 1 - 5 MTuWTh  04/14/2025 - 04/17/2025
08:30 AM - 04:00 PM

Rocky Hill Community/ Senior Center (Room 1C)
$172.00 Res, $180.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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