The Stepney Club will hold their meetings every Thursday from 10:30-11:30am in the Senior/Community Center. Anyone interested in joining is welcome to attend. Come socialize and meet new friends.
Join us for fun and games, weekly raffles, quarterly basket raffles and bi-annual banquets. Free for first 3 visits then $5 annual membership is charged.
September events:
19th, Welcome Back with surprise menu
26th, LCR
October events:
3rd, Scategories
10th, Bingo
17th, Oktoberfest Celebration with kielbasa, sauerkraut, potato salad, braised cabbage and glazed carrots. Cost: $5
24th, LCR
31st, Halloween Party, fall desserts made with apples or pumpkin. Wear a costume for prizes
For more information please call Bernadette at 860-721-7227